Today was quite possible the worst day of my life. I am dieing without internet! The group of teachers are emailing events back and forth and then I will get a text 5 mins before the meeting saying “Hey are you coming to dinner?” No! I didn’t get the memo! Then it’s “oh just take the 334 to the k115 to SeaWorld, they will know what you mean if you say Sea World, it’s a huge fancy area.” Well how about I just cry in my room alone because that was actually happens. So I text my contact teacher and say I am going to SeaWorld and just wanted to double check my directions. And she texts back “this is not possible.” Thanks for clearing that up, do you know the best way to get there? “22” I hate texting! 22 from where? Which direction? How long dose it take? Is there a McDonalds? These are the answers I was looking for. So I walk down to the bus stop and see if maybe there are signs or something. Oh there are signs alright, in all Chinese characters, none of which include the 4 characters ...
I came to China for a 1 year break from my American routine. A husband, daughter and 7 years later I think I'm a lifer! The LaoWei life is not always easy, but it's never dull.