These things may not make the
thanksgiving list of the average American, but they are definitely on my lips
every time I come home for a visit. The
things I comment on missing seem to be strange to my friends and family, who
then roll their eyes at yet another story beginning with, "where I live in
Nevertheless here are some simple
joys my life in China has made me love in my homeland.
1. Hot sink water
1. Hot sink water
I have noticed the difference in air quality moving around the US between city and country, but even the big city air seems glorious compared to China. Not to say that all of China has the pollution problems of Beijing but I have been places that require a mask to walk outside. In south east China the air is a sticky mix of humidity and construction dust. I always admire the blue skies and smooth air when I travel around the US.
Americans have neighbors, some noisy or annoying but my apartment in China has 20 sets of neighbors on top of me with 10 apartments on each floor. Suddenly the dog barking in the house up the street doesn't seem so bad.
I went shopping with my mom at a department store and after a few minutes waiting at the checkout line she shouted out to ask if the staff could open another register. I was perfectly calm thinking wow! No one is pushing or touching me, there is one line with no need to merge or elbow in at the bottle neck, people are standing still and quietly. It was weird but nice.
Whenever someone asks what I miss about America I always answer, "cheese! You know other than my mom and all."
There is still litter along the highways but if you are caught there are also large fines. In China it seems many of these minor laws are not enforceable. There are many levels of police and civil servants around but many either turn a blind eye or don't have the authority to enforce the law. Seems most of the uniformed guards I see are purely ornamental.
Between buses and metro I really don't have them need for a car in Chinese Cities. Getting back home and behind the wheel I revel in the freedom driving your own car provides.
8. Bath tub
I’ve had a bath tub in one of my Chinese dorms before, but even after bleaching I it was still too dirty to use. Oh, and it was broken after the Chinese chabuduo repair, but that’s another story. There is nothing like soaking in a hot tub after a long day of eating cheese and driving through traffic in the glorious American fresh air!
9. Dry bathroom floor
Along with the lack of tubs, the typical Chinese apartment has a shower head in the bathroom without a sectioned off shower area. Small bathrooms often have you showering over the toilet, sounds rough but you get used to it. The part that I have trouble with is the bathroom floor gets soaked and stays soaked for a while in the humid air. Walking into a bathroom without fear of slipping on the wet title; another simple joy of American life!
10. Napkins and tissues, instead of toilet paper
I will never forget the disgust I felt the first time I ate with a Chinese family and they slapped a roll of toilet paper down on the dinner table. In China tissues napkins and toilet paper are all seen as just paper with no distinction of use. I don’t think much of wiping my mouth with toilet paper anymore, but have a napkin at my table setting always reminds me I’m home!
I’m sure I am not the only one
that finds simple things suddenly glorious after traveling abroad. Can you relate
to these or did I miss any?
Let me know in the Comments below
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